MSR Elite Coconut Oil 20 ml



With the use of hand-picked coconuts extracted from the best coconut farms in South India, MSR’s Elite 100% Natural Coconut Oil delivers the best value, and is available in 20ml bottles.

> Crafted from freshly harvested coconuts and refined using meticulous techniques to achieve excellence.
> MSR’s Premium Grade Coconut Oil boasts a variety of antiviral attributes that enhance immune system resilience.
> Backed by a wealth of expertise spanning three decades, our coconut oil is manufactured to uphold the most rigorous quality benchmarks.
> Suitable for both internal and external usage, ensuring safety.
> The optimal selection for nurturing skin, hair, and culinary applications.

Category: Product ID: 1497


MSR Coconut Oil is a product filled with goodness, carefully crafted to provide the highest quality and purity. Indulge in the rich and nourishing benefits of MSR Coconut Oil, a premium-grade product crafted to enhance your well-being and beauty routine. Our coconut oil is carefully extracted from the finest coconuts, ensuring exceptional quality and purity that you can trust. Featuring a smooth and creamy texture, MSR Coconut Oil is a versatile addition to your kitchen or vanity. With its countless applications, it is an essential ingredient for both culinary delights and natural beauty rituals.


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